Friday, May 15, 2009

Imagine That

You can feel the cool breeze brush against your cheeks and nip at your nose as you step through the snow. You hear the sounds of the thin layer of crust crack beneath your feet every time you penetrate the cold white blanket of frost, but you feel warm because your bundled up in warm fleece and wool.

you can hear the wind as it weaves its way in and out the the trees throwing little flakes of snow on your face like its dressing you with sprinkles, but they melt quickly as they strike your face and run down the sides of your cheek sending shivers down your spine, but the sun that's beaming down puts you back into that warm comfortable state you were in. As you spend more time hiking around you can start to smell the snow and it starts to freeze the inside of your nostrils but it feels good because the air is clean and fresh it wakes you up and heightens your senses you feel good because your at peace.

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