Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ranting About stuff

My rant, being an ¨N¨ driver, is about the ¨N¨ its self having to be displayed in some manner on the back of your car. Now don't get me wrong I can understand some reasons for having it on but when you break it down its totally not necessary. On your drivers licence it indicates that you are a ¨N¨ driver and all the N really does is single you out to police, Ive had instances where a cop has pulled me over just to look around and try to find something wrong to give me a ticket and another night when I was on my way home with my brother only to get stopped at a road block and given a 109 dollar fine for not having a little green magnet on the back of my car. There's some guide lines to go by as an N driver like no alcohol in your system, only two passengers(family exempt),and the notorious having to display your N law. First off cops aren't allowed to pull you over if you have to many people in your car because as far as they know you could just have a big family so we can scratch that off the list as one of the reasons you have to display your N and now the other. If swerving all over the road or you get stopped at a road block you don't need an N to tell them you that you might be drunk or have alcohol in your system all they have to do is look at your licence to see if your an ¨N¨driver or not and if required administer a Breathalyzer test so I don't know about you but to me all the ¨N¨s do is cause problems and single out New drivers, one more little bit of info Id like to through in is that I have more tickets then my mom for stupid stuff nothing illegal, I've been pulled over 5 times without receiving a ticket or any sort of warning Ive been followed by cops more time then i can count or I guess remember in to parking lots, to my house, for at least 5 blocks and all of them for the most part except one have been d***s to me so to tell the truth I don't respect them as much as I use to but I guess Ive gone on long enough so there it is and this is how I feel.

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