Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ranting About stuff
My rant, being an ¨N¨ driver, is about the ¨N¨ its self having to be displayed in some manner on the back of your car. Now don't get me wrong I can understand some reasons for having it on but when you break it down its totally not necessary. On your drivers licence it indicates that you are a ¨N¨ driver and all the N really does is single you out to police, Ive had instances where a cop has pulled me over just to look around and try to find something wrong to give me a ticket and another night when I was on my way home with my brother only to get stopped at a road block and given a 109 dollar fine for not having a little green magnet on the back of my car. There's some guide lines to go by as an N driver like no alcohol in your system, only two passengers(family exempt),and the notorious having to display your N law. First off cops aren't allowed to pull you over if you have to many people in your car because as far as they know you could just have a big family so we can scratch that off the list as one of the reasons you have to display your N and now the other. If swerving all over the road or you get stopped at a road block you don't need an N to tell them you that you might be drunk or have alcohol in your system all they have to do is look at your licence to see if your an ¨N¨driver or not and if required administer a Breathalyzer test so I don't know about you but to me all the ¨N¨s do is cause problems and single out New drivers, one more little bit of info Id like to through in is that I have more tickets then my mom for stupid stuff nothing illegal, I've been pulled over 5 times without receiving a ticket or any sort of warning Ive been followed by cops more time then i can count or I guess remember in to parking lots, to my house, for at least 5 blocks and all of them for the most part except one have been d***s to me so to tell the truth I don't respect them as much as I use to but I guess Ive gone on long enough so there it is and this is how I feel.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The epic story of the Watchmen takes place in an alternate history of the U.S during the 40s and 60s coming close to having a nuclear war with the Soviets. To be more specific the mystery fighters crime fight in a group called the crimebusters around New York City, the times are dark and dangerous and this group is all that is good in these years. Having been in an accident gave Dr. Manhattan the powers to teleport and basically now everything about the universe and is hired by the government to build H-bombs to be used against the Soviets if needed. Eventually The group disbands because of riots regarding the acts that the Watchmen are doing and new laws brought in by the government the only one that continues to fight crime is Rorschach is is partially insane and a brutal man.

Now one of the original Members of the group is murdered and Rorschach is the one solving the case bringing back the members of the crime fighting troop and getting to the bottom of this mysterious case, as said "an attack on one is a attack on all", also while coming to the truth of this crime they discover that this murder goes deeper into a twisted political world and the political view of a certain person believing to be changing the world with the most horrendous act and deceiving plan ever considered by anyone.

Now one of the original Members of the group is murdered and Rorschach is the one solving the case bringing back the members of the crime fighting troop and getting to the bottom of this mysterious case, as said "an attack on one is a attack on all", also while coming to the truth of this crime they discover that this murder goes deeper into a twisted political world and the political view of a certain person believing to be changing the world with the most horrendous act and deceiving plan ever considered by anyone.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Xbox 360 game console is one of the many new ways Microsoft is expanding it's technological boundaries, with it's endless amount of fun and excitement this little 30 cm machine is taking the gaming industry by storm. With it's high definition Graphics and ability to play online the Xbox 360 is becoming a popular choice for the gamers of North America. Because of it's abilities to connect to the Internet it also for online game play and other features like the Market Place where players can exchange online points for other game content and downloads expanding the games and worlds they play in. It also features an online way to communicate with friends you are playing or the ones you aren't either by text or voice messaging, but better yet how about a live stream voice messaging system just like a phone. With it's numerous game selection and types the xbox 360 comprises to be the best gaming console of the decade, maybe be not but just as much it has proven it's self to be up there with the big guys and foe that it goes into my have list.
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